Uptown Eye Specialists

Surgical Procedures

Where we specialize in comprehensive surgical procedures for the eye, catering to patients of all ages. Our flagship services include UltraView ReLACS™ for advanced refractive laser-assisted cataract surgery, UltraViewLASIK™ for precise laser vision correction, and UltraView Vision, the ultimate in vision surgery. Discover the full spectrum of eye care with us.


UltraView LASIK™

UltraView LASIK™ is the most advanced wavefront guided all-laser LASIK™ procedure.  The treatment begins with a detailed scan of the visual thumbprint of one's eye. This information is used to generate a treatment algorithm that is customized to the scanned eye, which drives the actual laser delivery. The result is exceptional uncorrected vision that is achieved often better than 20/20.

Frequently Asked Question

We aim to care for our patients compassionately in a technologically cutting edge environment using the latest advances in clinical research.